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James Zhang

Partner, IDG Capital

James Zhang is involved in investments in a variety of sectors for the medical care industry, including medicine, diagnostic reagents, and medical instruments. Jianbin also has expertise in new drug developments, medicine sales channels, medicine marketing, and enterprise management. He received an MBA from Cheung Kong Graduate School and holds a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from the Nanjing University of Chemical Engineering. Jianbin is also a Licensed Pharmacist.

IDG Capital is a leading investment firm, focused on developing extraordinary companies through our expertise in private equity and venture capital, as well as real estate. Founded in 1992, we were the first firm to bring foreign venture capital into China. Today we work with private equity and venture capital fund managers, investment advisors and business entities from around the world. Our limited partners include many internationally reputable investors, including governments/sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, institutional investors, major charities, university endowments, family offices and business luminaries.